Well, things are in full-throttle organizational mode around here. Which, of course, translates into stuff exploding everywhere and covering every available surface as I sort through, categorize, discard, and organize things. The kids' clothes are completely in order (probably for the first and last time ever; I was a bit appalled at how much 2T-3T stuff we have). I have begun to tackle the crib issue and can now see the mattress at least. The pack-and-play, sadly, remains jam packed with junk and will be a total nightmare to clear out, so I'm avoiding this task for now.
I am also the proud owner of a million plastic bins from Target. Alas, some of them are too big for the space at the top of the closet and four of them are cracked. I had to scale the shelves to pull down. There was not a sales associate anywhere remotely near the rubbermaid aisle so I grabbed one of those snow-ball maker and thrower gizmos that no one ever buys and swatted at them until I could reach them from the shelf upon which I was perched. I was so relieved that I managed to get a hold of the lip of the stack of seven containers I wanted without toppling them on myself that I never did check them for cracks. So now I have to go back to Target to return these and get some others. I hate doing things twice.
Anyway, the big news on the Great Expectation is that Sharon was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced at her weekly Wednesday check. We're not sure what this means but things have begun to get underway. There's still a bit of time to vote on due dates and size (or re-vote!).
Other news: Hallie has weathered her cold really well and seems nearly completely recovered. Oddly enough she has not had a major upsurge in vomiting with this cold and we are grateful for this. So her total vomit free days of the year stand at 12. Yes, 12 out of 14. Super. And she is otherwise doing nicely with eating new textures: graham crackers, her beloved Lays potato chips, and a few wheat thins here and there. She even tried a bit of toasted frozen waffle and seemed okay with it. I don't think she thought it had sufficient taste, though, so we might try maple syrup, although I suspect salt might be more to her liking. Anyway, all of this represents major progress.
We met with her new EI feeding therapist this Monday and we REALLY like her. She is neurotic (a virtue to others of us who are also neurotic) and very certain that medical stuff needs to be under control before feeding progress can happen (which we also believe) and that delayed gastric emptying is evil (so do we!) and that feeding needs to involve trust and that no one should EVER sneak food into a child (did I mention we love this woman already?). She knows that Hallie is a bit complicated on the eating front and warned us that there will be setbacks (like when we have her teeth done. Sigh) but that the goal is progress overall. In any event, we really look forward to working with Barbara and getting tips from her. She has won our trust and that is not something that is easy to do where feeding our kid is concerned.
It sounds like things are moving along quite well on all fronts. Barbara seems fantastic! Is there any way you could send her over a few states to work with Elias? Good luck with the organizing, baby arriving, and new food adding. It all is so much excitement!
her beloved Lays potato chips-- that is so sweet.
and yes, neurotic is good. Barbara sounds great!
So glad her new therapist has the same philosophies as you do. As someone who has delayed gastric emptying I can definitely vouch for it being evil! I completely agree that feeding issues are best worked on after the GI issues are worked out as best they can be. If it makes her feel sick she isn't going to want to eat, it is that simple. If I could get away with not eating when feeling sickly I would definitely not eat.
Hope you get all the work done before the baby is born, sounds like she will be coming sooner rather than later! I'm looking forward to the cute baby and big sister pics =).
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